CREATERAY Create a ray (half-line), from various inputs. RAY = createRay(POINT, ANGLE) POINT is a N*2 array giving starting point of the ray, and ANGLE is the orientation of the ray. RAY = createRay(X0, Y0, ANGLE) Specify ray origin with 2 input arguments. RAY = createRay(P1, P2) Create a ray starting from point P1 and going in the direction of point P2. Ray is represented in a parametric form: [x0 y0 dx dy] x = x0 + t*dx y = y0 + t*dy; for all t>0 Example origin = [3 4]; theta = pi/6; ray = createRay(origin, theta); figure(1); clf; hold on; axis([0 10 0 10]); drawRay(ray); See also: rays2d, createLine, points2d ------ Author: David Legland e-mail: Created: 2007-10-18 Copyright 2007 INRA - BIA PV Nantes - MIAJ Jouy-en-Josas.
Package: matgeom