CREATEROTATION Create the 3*3 matrix of a rotation.

   TRANS = createRotation(THETA);
   Returns the rotation corresponding to angle THETA (in radians)
   The returned matrix has the form :
   [cos(theta) -sin(theta)  0]
   [sin(theta)  cos(theta)  0]
   [0           0           1]

   TRANS = createRotation(POINT, THETA);
   TRANS = createRotation(X0, Y0, THETA);
   Also specifies origin of rotation. The result is similar as performing
   translation(-X0, -Y0), rotation(THETA), and translation(X0, Y0).

     % apply a rotation on a polygon
     poly = [0 0; 30 0;30 10;10 10;10 20;0 20];
     trans = createRotation([10 20], pi/6);
     polyT = transformPoint(poly, trans);
     % display the original and the rotated polygons
     figure; hold on; axis equal; axis([-10 40 -10 40]);
     drawPolygon(poly, 'k');
     drawPolygon(polyT, 'b');

   See also:
   transforms2d, transformPoint, createRotation90, createTranslation

Package: matgeom