CREATEROTATIONOY Create the 4x4 matrix of a 3D rotation around y-axis.

   TRANS = createRotationOy(THETA);
   Returns the transform matrix corresponding to a rotation by the angle
   THETA (in radians) around the Oy axis. A rotation by an angle of PI/2
   would transform the vector [0 0 1] into the vector [1 0 0].

   The returned matrix has the form:
   [ cos(THETA)  0  sin(THETA)  0 ]
   [    0        1       0      0 ]
   [-sin(THETA)  0  cos(THETA)  0 ]
   [    0        0       0      1 ]

   TRANS = createRotationOy(ORIGIN, THETA);
   TRANS = createRotationOy(X0, Y0, Z0, THETA);
   Also specifies origin of rotation. The result is similar as performing
   translation(-X0, -Y0, -Z0), rotation, and translation(X0, Y0, Z0).

   See also:
   transforms3d, transformPoint3d, createRotationOx, createRotationOz

Package: matgeom