Create a mesh surrounding a 3D curve. [V, F] = curveToMesh(CURVE) Computes the vertices and the faces of the mesh surrounding the specified 3D curve. [V, F] = curveToMesh(CURVE, THICKNESS) Specifies the thickness of the mesh (distance between mesh vertices and curve vertices). Default is 0.5. [V, F] = curveToMesh(CURVE, THICKNESS, NCORNERS) Also specifies the number of mesh vertices around each curve vertex. Default is 8. Example % Creates a tubular mesh around a trefoil knot curve t = linspace(0, 2*pi, 200)'; x = sin(t) + 2 * sin(2 * t); y = cos(t) - 2 * cos(2 * t); z = -sin(3 * t); curve = [x, y, z]; [v2, f2] = curveToMesh(curve, .5, 16); figure; drawMesh(v2, f2); axis equal; view(3); axis([-4 4 -4 4 -2 2]); See also meshes3d, torusMesh, surfToMesh
Package: matgeom