CYL2CART  Convert cylindrical to cartesian coordinates.

   CART = cyl2cart(CYL)
   convert the 3D cylindrical coordinates of points CYL (given by 
   [THETA R Z] where THETA, R, and Z have the same size) into cartesian
   coordinates CART, given by [X Y Z]. 
   The transforms is the following :
   X = R*cos(THETA);
   Y = R*sin(THETA);
   Z remains inchanged.

   CART = cyl2cart(THETA, R, Z)
   provides coordinates as 3 different parameters

   cyl2cart([-1 0 2])
   gives : 4.7124    1.0000     2.0000

   See also angles3d, cart2pol, cart2sph2, cart2cyl

 Author: David Legland
 Created: 2006-03-23
 Copyright 2006 INRA - CEPIA Nantes - MIAJ (Jouy-en-Josas).

Package: matgeom