DISTANCEPOINTS Compute distance between two points.

   D = distancePoints(P1, P2)
   Return the Euclidean distance between points P1 and P2.

   If P1 and P2 are two arrays of points, result is a N1-by-N2 array
   containing distance between each point of P1 and each point of P2. 

   D = distancePoints(P1, P2, NORM)
   Compute distance using the specified norm. NORM=2 corresponds to usual
   euclidean distance, NORM=1 corresponds to Manhattan distance, NORM=inf
   is assumed to correspond to maximum difference in coordinate. Other
   values (>0) can be specified.

   D = distancePoints(..., 'diag')
   compute only distances between P1(i,:) and P2(i,:).

   See also:
   points2d, minDistancePoints, nndist, hausdorffDistance

Package: matgeom