DISTANCEPOINTS3D Compute euclidean distance between pairs of 3D Points.

   D = distancePoints3d(P1, P2) return distance between points P1 and
   P2, given as [X Y Z].
   If P1 and P2 are two arrays of points, result is a N1*N2 array
   containing distance between each point of P1 and each point of P2. 

   D = distancePoints3d(P1, P2, NOR)
   with NOR being 1, 2, or Inf, corresponfing to the norm used. Default is
   2 (euclidean norm). 1 correspond to manhattan (or taxi driver) distance
   and Inf to maximum difference in each coordinate.

   See also:
   points3d, minDistancePoints, distancePoints


   author : David Legland 
   created the 18/02/2005.

Package: matgeom