DRAWANGLEBETWEENVECTORS3D Draw an arc between 2 vectors.

   drawAngleBetweenVectors3d(ORIGIN, VECTOR1, VECTOR2, RADIUS) 
   draws the arc between VECTOR1 and VECTOR2.

   drawAngleBetweenVectors3d(...,'ConjugateAngle',1) draws the conjugate
   angle instead of the small angle. Default is false.
   H = drawAngleBetweenVectors3d(...)
   returns the handle of the created LINE object
     o=-100 + 200*rand(1,3);
     v1=normalizeVector3d(-1 + 2*rand(1,3));
     v2=normalizeVector3d(-1 + 2*rand(1,3));
     r = rand;
     figure('color','w'); view(3)
     hold on; axis equal tight; xlabel X; ylabel Y; zlabel Z;
     drawVector3d(o, v1, 'r')
     drawVector3d(o, v2, 'g')
     drawAngleBetweenVectors3d(o, v1, v2, r,'Color','m','LineWidth', 3)

   See also

Package: matgeom