DRAWCIRCLE Draw a circle on the current axis.

   drawCircle(X0, Y0, R);
   Draw the circle with center (X0,Y0) and the radius R. If X0, Y0 and R
   are column vectors of the same length, draw each circle successively.

   Concatenate all parameters in a Nx3 array, where N is the number of
   circles to draw.

   drawCircle(CENTER, RADIUS);
   Specify CENTER as Nx2 array, and radius as a Nx1 array.

   drawCircle(..., NSTEP);
   Specify the number of edges that will be used to draw the circle.
   Default value is 72, creating an approximation of one point for each 5

   drawCircle(..., NAME, VALUE);
   Specifies plotting options as pair of parameters name/value. See plot
   documentation for details.

   drawCircle(AX, ...)
   Specifies the handle of the axis to draw on.

   H = drawCircle(...);
   return handles to each created curve.

     hold on;
     drawCircle([10 20 30]);
     drawCircle([15 15 40], 'color', 'r', 'linewidth', 2);
     axis equal;

   See also
   circles2d, drawCircleArc, drawEllipse, circleToPolygon

Package: matgeom