DRAWELLIPSE Draw an ellipse on the current axis.

   Draws the ellipse ELLI in the form [XC YC RA RB THETA], with center
   (XC, YC), with main axis of half-length RA and RB, and orientation
   THETA in degrees counted counter-clockwise.

   drawEllipse(XC, YC, RA, RB);
   drawEllipse(XC, YC, RA, RB, THETA);
   Specifies ellipse parameters as separate arguments (old syntax).

   drawEllipse(..., NAME, VALUE);
   Specifies drawing style of ellipse, see the help of plot function.

   H = drawEllipse(...);
   Also returns handles to the created line objects.

   -> Parameters can also be arrays. In this case, all arrays are supposed 
   to have the same size.

   % Draw an ellipse centered in [50 50], with semi major axis length of
   % 40, semi minor axis length of 20, and rotated by 30 degrees.
     figure(1); clf; hold on;
     drawEllipse([50 50 40 20 30]);
     axis equal; axis([0 100 10 90])

   % add another ellipse with different orientation and style
     drawEllipse([50 50 40 20 -10], 'linewidth', 2, 'color', 'g');

   See also:
     ellipses2d, drawCircle, drawEllipseArc, ellipseToPolygon

Package: matgeom