DRAWFACENORMALS Draw normal vector of each face in a mesh.

   drawFaceNormals(V, E, F)
   Compute and draw the face normals of the mesh defined by vertices V,
   edges E and faces F. See meshes3d for format of each argument.

   H = drawFaceNormals(...)
   Return handle array to the created objects.

   % draw face normals of a cube
     [v, f] = createCubeOctahedron;
     figure; drawMesh(v, f)
     axis([-2 2 -2 2 -2 2]); axis equal; hold on;
     drawFaceNormals(v, f)

   See also
   meshes3d, drawMesh, drawVector3d, meshFaceNormals, meshFaceCentroids

Package: matgeom