DRAWGRID3D Draw a 3D grid on the current axis. drawGrid3d draws a 3D square grid, with origin (0,0,0) and spacing 1 in each direction, with bounds corresponding to the bounds of current axis. drawGrid3d(SPACING) where spacing is either a scalar or a [1x3] matrix, specifies the size of the unit cell. drawGrid3d(ORIGIN, SPACING) Also specify origin of grid. ORIGIN is a [1x3] array. drawGrid3d(..., EDGE) specifies whether function should draw edges touching edges of axis. EDGE is a characheter string, which can be : - 'OPEN' : each line start from one face of window to the opposite face. This results in a 'spiky' grid. - 'CLOSED' (default value) : each line stops at the last visible point of the grid for this line. The result looks like a box (no free spikes around the grid). H = drawGrid3d(...); return a vector of handles for each LINE object which was crated.
Package: matgeom