DRAWMESH Draw a 3D mesh defined by vertex and face arrays.

   drawMesh(VERTICES, FACES)
   Draws the 3D mesh defined by vertices VERTICES and the faces FACES. 
   vertices is a NV-by-3 array containing coordinates of vertices, and
   FACES is either a NF-by-3 or NF-by-4 array containing face vertex
   indices of the triangular or rectangular faces.
   FACES can also be a cell array, in the content of each cell is an array
   of indices to the vertices of the current face. Faces can have
   different number of vertices.
   Specifies the mesh as a structure with at least the fields 'vertices'
   and 'faces'. 

   drawMesh(..., COLOR)
   Use the specified color to render the mesh faces.

   drawMesh(..., NAME, VALUE)
   Use one or several pairs of parameter name/value to specify drawing
   options. Options are the same as the 'patch' function.

   Draw into the axis specified by AX instead of the current axis.

   H = drawMesh(...);
   Also returns a handle to the created patch.

     [v, f] = createSoccerBall;
     drawMesh(v, f);

   See also:
     meshes3d, polyhedra, patch

Package: matgeom