Draw a 3D ray on the current axis.

   With RAY having the syntax: [x0 y0 z0 dx dy dz], draws the ray starting
   from point (x0 y0 z0) and going to direction (dx dy dz), clipped with
   the current window axis.

   drawRay3d(RAY, PARAMS, VALUE)
   Can specify parameter name-value pairs to change draw style.

   H = drawRay3d(...)
   Returns handle on line object

   See also:
   rays2d, drawLine

     % generate 50 random 3D rays
     origin = [29 28 27];
     v = rand(50, 3);
     v = v - centroid(v);
     ray = [repmat(origin, size(v,1),1) v];
     % draw the rays in the current axis
     figure; axis equal; axis([0 50 0 50 0 50]); hold on; view(3);

   See also
     drawLine3d, clipRay3d

Package: matgeom