DRAWSPHERE Draw a sphere as a mesh.

   Where SPHERE = [XC YC ZC R], draw the sphere centered on the point with
   coordinates [XC YC ZC] and with radius R, using a quad mesh.

   drawSphere(CENTER, R)
   Where CENTER = [XC YC ZC], specifies the center and the radius with two

   drawSphere(XC, YC, ZC, R)
   Specifiy sphere center and radius as four arguments.

   drawSphere(..., NAME, VALUE);
   Specifies one or several options using parameter name-value pairs.
   Available options are usual drawing options, as well as:
   'nPhi'    the number of arcs used for drawing the meridians
   'nTheta'  the number of circles used for drawing the parallels

   H = drawSphere(...)
   Return a handle to the graphical object created by the function.

   [X Y Z] = drawSphere(...)
   Return the coordinates of the vertices used by the sphere. In this
   case, the sphere is not drawn.

   % Draw four spheres with different centers
     figure(1); clf; hold on;
     drawSphere([10 10 30 5]);
     drawSphere([20 30 10 5]);
     drawSphere([30 30 30 5]);
     drawSphere([30 20 10 5]);
     view([-30 20]); axis equal; l = light;

   % Draw sphere with different settings
     figure(1); clf;
     drawSphere([10 20 30 10], 'linestyle', ':', 'facecolor', 'r');
     axis([0 50 0 50 0 50]); axis equal;
     l = light;

   % The same, but changes style using graphic handle
     figure(1); clf;
     h = drawSphere([10 20 30 10]);
     set(h, 'linestyle', ':');
     set(h, 'facecolor', 'r');
     axis([0 50 0 50 0 50]); axis equal;
     l = light;
   % Draw a sphere with high resolution
     figure(1); clf;
     h = drawSphere([10 20 30 10], 'nPhi', 360, 'nTheta', 180);
     l = light; view(3);

   See also
   spheres, circles3d, sphere, drawEllipsoid

Package: matgeom