Compute the affine transform that best register two 3D point sets.

   TRANS = fitAffineTransform3d(REF, SRC)
   Returns the affine transform matrix that minimizes the distance between
   the reference point set REF and the point set SRC after transformation.
   Both REF and SRC must by N-by-3 arrays with the same number of rows,
   and the points must be in correspondence.
   The function minimizes the sum of the squared distances:
   CRIT = sum(distancePoints3d(REF, transformPoint3d(PTS, TRANSFO)).^2);

     N = 50;
     pts = rand(N, 3)*10;
     trans = createRotationOx([5 4 3], pi/4);
     pts2 = transformPoint3d(pts, trans);
     pts3 = pts2 + randn(N, 3)*2;
     fitted = fitAffineTransform3d(pts, pts2);

   See also
     transforms3d, transformPoint3d, transformVector3d,
     fitAffineTransform2d, registerPoints3dAffine

Package: matgeom