GRFACETOPOLYGON Compute the polygon corresponding to a graph face.

   PTS2 = grFaceToPolygon(NODES, EDGES, FACES, INDF)
   PTS2 = grFaceToPolygon(NODES, FACES, INDF)
   Where NODES, EDGES, and FACES are internal data of graph, and INDF is
   the index of the face to extract. The result is the (ordered) set of
   points composing the face.

   PTS2 = grFaceToPolygon(GRAPH, INDF)
   use structure representation for graph. The structure GRAPH must
   contain data for fields 'nodes' and 'faces'.
   If several indices face indices are specified, result is a cell array
   of polygons.

   The number of columns of PTS2 is the same as for NODES.

 Author: David Legland
 Created: 2005-11-30
 Copyright 2005 INRA - CEPIA Nantes - MIAJ (Jouy-en-Josas).

Package: matgeom