GRFINDMAXIMALLENGTHPATH Find a path that maximizes sum of edge weights.

   PATH = grFindMaximalLengthPath(NODES, EDGES, EDGE_WEIGHTS);
   Finds a greatest geodesic path in the graph. A path between two nodes
   is a succession of adjacent edges that link the first and last nodes.
   the length of the path is the sum of weights of edges that constitute
   the path.
   A geodesic path is a path that minimizes the length of the path among
   the set of paths between the nodes.
   A maximal length path maximizes the length of the geodesic path between
   couples of nodes in the graph

   The result PATH is the list of edge indices that constitutes the path.

   PATH = grFindMaximalLengthPath(NODES, EDGES);
   Assumes each edge has a weight equal to 1.

   See Also

 Author: David Legland
 Created: 2011-05-22,    using Matlab (R2009b)
 Copyright 2011 INRA - Cepia Software Platform.

Package: matgeom