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Operators and Keywords

Function List:


GRNODEDEGREE Degree of a node in a (undirected) graph.

   DEGREE = grNodeDegree(NODE_INDEX, EDGES);
   return the degree of a node in the given edge list, that is the number
   of edges connected to it.
   NODE_INDEX is the index of the node, and EDGES is a liste of couples of
   indices (origin and destination node).   
   This degree is the sum of inner degree (number of edges arriving on the
   node) and the outer degree (number of emanating edges).
   Note: Also works when NODE_INDEX is a vector of indices

   DEGREE = grNodeDegree(EDGES);
   Return the degree of each node references by the array EDGES. DEGREE is
   a column vector with as many rows as the number of nodes referenced by

   [DEG, INDS] = grNodeDegree(EDGES);
   Also returns the indices of the nodes that were referenced.
     edges = [1 2;1 3;2 3;2 4;3 4];
     grNodeDegree(2, edges)
     ans =
     ans =
          2     3     3     2

   See Also: grNodeInnerDegree, grNodeOuterDegree

Package: matgeom