Intersection points of a 3D edge with a mesh.

   INTERS = intersectEdgeMesh3d(EDGE, VERTICES, FACES)
   Compute the intersection points between a 3D edge and a 3D mesh defined
   by vertices and faces.

   [INTERS, POS, INDS] = intersectEdgeMesh3d(EDGE, VERTICES, FACES)
   Also returns the position of each intersection point on the input edge,
   and the index of the intersected faces.
   For edges, the values of POS are expected to be comprised between 0 and
     [V, F] = createCube;
     edge = [-1 0.5 0.5  +3 0.5 0.5];
     pts = intersectEdgeMesh3d(edge, V, F)
     pts =
         1.0000    0.5000    0.5000
              0    0.5000    0.5000

   See also
     meshes3d, interesectLineMesh3d, triangulateFaces

Package: matgeom