INTERSECTLINEEDGE Return intersection between a line and an edge.

   P = intersectLineEdge(LINE, EDGE);
   returns the intersection point of lines LINE and edge EDGE. 
   LINE is a 1-by-4 array containing parametric representation of the line
   (in the form [x0 y0 dx dy], see 'createLine' for details). 
   EDGE is a 1-by-4 array containing the coordinates of first and second
   points (in the form [x1 y1 x2 y2], see 'createEdge' for details). 
   In case of colinear line and edge, returns [Inf Inf].
   If line does not intersect edge, returns [NaN NaN].

   If each input is N-by-4 array, the result is a N-by-2 array containing
   intersections for each couple of edge and line.
   If one of the input has N rows and the other 1 row, the result is a
   N-by-2 array.

   P = intersectLineEdge(LINE, EDGE, TOL);
   Specifies the tolerance option for determining if a point belongs to an
   edge and if lines are parallel.

   See also:
   lines2d, edges2d, intersectEdges, intersectLines

Package: matgeom