INTERSECTLINESPHERE Return intersection points between a line and a sphere.

   PTS = intersectLineSphere(LINE, SPHERE);
   Returns the two points which are the intersection of the given line and
   LINE   : [x0 y0 z0  dx dy dz]
   SPHERE : [xc yc zc  R]
   PTS     : [x1 y1 z1 ; x2 y2 z2]
   If there is no intersection between the line and the sphere, return a
   2-by-3 array containing only NaN.

     % draw the intersection between a sphere and a collection of parallel
     % lines 
     sphere = [50.12 50.23 50.34 40];
     [x, y] = meshgrid(10:10:90, 10:10:90);
     n = numel(x);
     lines = [x(:) y(:) zeros(n,1) zeros(n,2) ones(n,1)];
     figure; hold on; axis equal;
     axis([0 100 0 100 0 100]); view(3);
     pts = intersectLineSphere(lines, sphere);
     drawPoint3d(pts, 'rx');

     % apply rotation on set of lines to check with non vertical lines
     rot = eulerAnglesToRotation3d(20, 30, 10);
     rot2 = recenterTransform3d(rot, [50 50 50]);
     lines2 = transformLine3d(lines, rot2);
     figure; hold on; axis equal;
     axis([0 100 0 100 0 100]); view(3);
     pts2 = intersectLineSphere(lines2, sphere);
     drawPoint3d(pts, 'rx');

   See also
   spheres, circles3d, intersectPlaneSphere

Package: matgeom