Compute the polygons resulting from plane-mesh intersection.

   POLYS = intersectPlaneMesh(P, V, F)
   Computes the interection between a plane and a mesh given by vertex and
   face lists. The result is a cell array of polygons.

   The function currently returns at most one polygon in the cell array

     % Intersect a cube by a plane
     [v f] = createCube; v = v * 10;
     plane = createPlane([5 5 5], [3 4 5]);
     % draw the primitives
     figure; hold on; set(gcf, 'renderer', 'opengl');
     axis([-10 20 -10 20 -10 20]); view(3);
     drawMesh(v, f); drawPlane3d(plane);
     % compute intersection polygon
     polys = intersectPlaneMesh(plane, v, f);
     drawPolygon3d(polys, 'LineWidth', 2);

     % Intersect a torus by a set of planes, and draw the results
     % first creates a torus slightly shifted and rotated
     torus = [.5 .6 .7   30 10   3 4];
     figure; drawTorus(torus, 'nTheta', 180, 'nPhi', 180);
     hold on; view (3); axis equal; light;
     % convert to mesh representation
     [v, f] = torusMesh(torus, 'nTheta', 64, 'nPhi', 64);
     % compute intersections with collection of planes
     xList = -50:5:50;
     polySet = cell(length(xList), 1);
     for i = 1:length(xList)
         x0 = xList(i);
         plane = createPlane([x0 .5 .5], [1 .2 .3]);
         polySet{i} = intersectPlaneMesh2(plane, v, f);
     % draw the resulting 3D polygons
     drawPolygon3d(polySet, 'lineWidth', 2, 'color', 'k')

   See also
     meshes3d, intersectPlanes, intersectEdgePlane

Package: matgeom