INTERSECTPLANESPHERE Return intersection circle between a plane and a sphere. CIRC = intersectPlaneSphere(PLANE, SPHERE) Returns the circle which is the intersection of the given plane and sphere. PLANE : [x0 y0 z0 dx1 dy1 dz1 dx2 dy2 dz2] SPHERE : [XS YS ZS RS] CIRC : [XC YC ZC RC THETA PHI PSI] [x0 y0 z0] is the origin of the plane, [dx1 dy1 dz1] and [dx2 dy2 dz2] are two direction vectors, [XS YS ZS] are coordinates of the sphere center, RS is the sphere radius, [XC YC ZC] are coordinates of the circle center, RC is the radius of the circle, [THETA PHI] is the normal of the plane containing the circle (THETA being the colatitude, and PHI the azimut), and PSI is a rotation angle around the normal (equal to zero in this function, but kept for compatibility with other functions). All angles are given in degrees. See Also: planes3d, spheres, circles3d, intersectLinePlane, intersectLineSphere --------- author : David Legland INRA - TPV URPOI - BIA IMASTE created the 18/02/2005.
Package: matgeom