INTERSECTPOLYLINES Find the common points between 2 polylines.

   INTERS = intersectPolylines(POLY1, POLY2)
   Returns the intersection points between two polylines. Each polyline is
   defined by a N-by-2 array representing coordinates of its vertices: 
   [X1 Y1 ; X2 Y2 ; ... ; XN YN]
   INTERS is a NP-by-2 array containing coordinates of intersection

   INTERS = intersectPolylines(POLY1)
   Compute self-intersections of the polyline.

   % Compute intersection points between 2 simple polylines
     poly1 = [20 10 ; 20 50 ; 60 50 ; 60 10];
     poly2 = [10 40 ; 30 40 ; 30 60 ; 50 60 ; 50 40 ; 70 40];
     pts = intersectPolylines(poly1, poly2);
     figure; hold on; 
     drawPolyline(poly1, 'b');
     drawPolyline(poly2, 'm');
     axis([0 80 0 80]);

   This function is largely based on the 'interX' function, found on the
   See also
   polygons2d, polylineSelfIntersections, intersectLinePolygon

Package: matgeom