ISPARALLEL Check parallelism of two vectors.

   B = isParallel(V1, V2)
   where V1 and V2 are two row vectors of length ND, ND being the
   dimension, returns 1 if the vectors are parallel, and 0 otherwise.

   Also works when V1 and V2 are two N-by-ND arrays with same number of
   rows. In this case, return a N-by-1 array containing 1 at the positions
   of parallel vectors.

   Also works when one of V1 or V2 is N-by-1 and the other one is N-by-ND
   array, in this case return N-by-1 results.

   B = isParallel(V1, V2, ACCURACY)
   specifies the accuracy for numerical computation. Default value is

   isParallel([1 2], [2 4])
   ans =
   isParallel([1 2], [1 3])
   ans =

   See also
   vectors2d, isPerpendicular, lines2d

Package: matgeom