ISPOINTINELLIPSE Check if a point is located inside a given ellipse. B = isPointInEllipse(POINT, ELLIPSE) Returns true if point is located inside the given ellipse. B = isPointInEllipse(POINT, ELLIPSE, TOL) Specifies the tolerance value Example: isPointInEllipse([1 0], [0 0 2 1 0]) ans = 1 isPointInEllipse([0 0], [0 0 2 1 0]) ans = 1 isPointInEllipse([1 1], [0 0 2 1 0]) ans = 0 isPointInEllipse([1 1], [0 0 2 1 30]) ans = 1 See also: ellipses2d, isPointInCircle
Package: matgeom