Test if a 3D point belongs to an edge.

   B = isPointOnEdge3d(POINT, EDGE)
   B = isPointOnEdge3d(POINT, EDGE, TOL)

   B = isPointOnEdge3d(POINT, EDGE)
   with POINT being [xp yp zp], and EDGE being [x1 y1 z1  x2 y2 z2],
   returns TRUE if the point is located on the edge, and FALSE otherwise.

   B = isPointOnEdge3d(POINT, EDGE, TOL)
   Specify an optilonal tolerance value TOL. The tolerance is given as a
   fraction of the norm of the edge direction vector. Default is 1e-14. 

   B = isPointOnEdge3d(POINTARRAY, EDGE)
   B = isPointOnEdge3d(POINT, EDGEARRAY)
   When one of the inputs has several rows, return the result of the test
   for each element of the array tested against the single parameter.

   When both POINTARRAY and EDGEARRAY have the same number of rows,
   returns a column vector with the same number of rows.
   When the number of rows are different and both greater than 1, returns
   a Np-by-Ne matrix of booleans, containing the result for each couple of
   point and edge.

   % create a point array
   points = [10 10 20;15 10 20; 30 10 20];
   % create an edge array
   vertices = [10 10 20;20 10 20;20 20 20;10 20 20];
   edges = [vertices vertices([2:end 1], :)];

   % Test one point and one edge
   isPointOnEdge3d(points(1,:), edges(1,:))
   ans = 
   isPointOnEdge3d(points(3,:), edges(1,:))
   ans = 

   % Test one point and several edges
   isPointOnEdge3d(points(1,:), edges)'
   ans =
        1     0     0     1

   % Test several points and one edge
   isPointOnEdge3d(points, edges(1,:))'
   ans =
        1     1     0

   % Test N points and N edges
   isPointOnEdge3d(points, edges(1:3,:))'
   ans =
        1     0     0

   % Test NP points and NE edges
   isPointOnEdge3d(points, edges)
   ans =
        1     0     0     1
        1     0     0     0
        0     0     0     0

   See also
   edges3d, points3d, isPointOnLine3d

Package: matgeom