ISPOINTONLINE3D Test if a 3D point belongs to a 3D line.

   B = isPointOnLine3d(POINT, LINE)
   with POINT being [xp yp zp], and LINE being [x0 y0 z0 dx dy dz].
   Returns 1 if point lies on the line, 0 otherwise.

   If POINT is an N-by-3 array of points, B is a N-by-1 array of booleans.

   If LINE is a N-by-6 array of lines, B is a N-by-1 array of booleans.

   B = isPointOnLine3d(POINT, LINE, TOL)
   Specifies the tolerance used for testing location on 3D line.

   See also: 
   lines3d, distancePointLine3d, linePosition3d, isPointOnLine

Package: matgeom