MEDIANLINE Create a median line between two points. L = medianLine(P1, P2); Create the median line of points P1 and P2, that is the line containing all points located at equal distance of P1 and P2. L = medianLine(PTS); Creates the median line of 2 points, given as a 2*2 array. Array has the form: [ [ x1 y1 ] ; [ x2 y2 ] ] L = medianLine(EDGE); Creates the median of the edge. Edge is a 1*4 array, containing [X1 Y1] coordinates of first point, and [X2 Y2], the coordinates of the second point. Example % Draw the median line of two points P1 = [10 20]; P2 = [30 50]; med = medianLine(P1, P2); figure; axis square; axis([0 100 0 100]); drawEdge([P1 P2], 'linewidth', 2, 'color', 'k'); drawLine(med) % Draw the median line of an edge P1 = [50 60]; P2 = [80 30]; edge = createEdge(P1, P2); figure; axis square; axis([0 100 0 100]); drawEdge(edge, 'linewidth', 2) med = medianLine(edge); drawLine(med) See also: lines2d, createLine, orthogonalLine --------- author : David Legland INRA - TPV URPOI - BIA IMASTE created the 31/10/2003.
Package: matgeom