MESHBOUNDARYVERTEXINDICES Indices of boundary vertices of a mesh.

   INDS = meshBoundaryVertexIndices(V, F)
   INDS = meshBoundaryVertexIndices(V, E, F)

     % create centered icosahedron
     [v, f] = createIcosahedron;
     v(:,3) = v(:,3) - mean(v(:,3));
     % convert to simili-sphere
     [v2, f2] = subdivideMesh(v, f, 3);
     v3 = normalizeVector3d(v2);
     % clip with plane
     plane = createPlane([0 0 0], [-1 -2 3]);
     [vc, fc] = clipMeshVertices(v3, f2, plane, 'shape', 'plane');
     figure; drawMesh(vc, fc); axis equal; view(3);
     % draw boundary vertices
     inds = meshBoundaryVertexIndices(vc, fc);
     hold on; drawPoint3d(vc(inds,:), 'k*');

   See also
     meshes3d, meshBoundary, meshBoundaryEdgeIndices, meshEdgeFaces

Package: matgeom