Surface area of a polyhedral mesh.

   S = meshSurfaceArea(V, F)
   S = meshSurfaceArea(V, E, F)
   Computes the surface area of the mesh specified by vertex array V and
   face array F. Vertex array is a NV-by-3 array of coordinates. 
   Face array can be a NF-by-3 or NF-by-4 numeric array, or a Nf-by-1 cell
   array, containing vertex indices of each face.

   This functions iterates on faces, extract vertices of the current face,
   and computes the sum of face areas.

   This function assumes faces are coplanar and convex. If faces are all
   triangular, the function "trimeshSurfaceArea" should be more efficient.

     % compute the surface of a unit cube (should be equal to 6)
     [v f] = createCube;
     meshSurfaceArea(v, f)
     ans = 

   See also
     meshes3d, trimeshSurfaceArea, meshVolume, meshFaceAreas,
     meshFacePolygons, polygonArea3d

Package: matgeom