MESHVERTEXCLUSTERING Simplifies a mesh using vertex clustering.

   [V2, F2] = meshVertexClustering(V, F, SPACING)
   [V2, F2] = meshVertexClustering(MESH, SPACING)
   MESH2 = meshVertexClustering(...)

   Simplifies a mesh using vertex clustering. Input mesh is specified
   either by a pair V, F containing the vertex coordinates and the faces
   informations, or by a structure with fields 'vertices' and 'faces'.

   The SPACING input defines the size of the grid. It can be either a
   scalar (uniform grid) or a 1-by-3 row vector. 

   The output is specified either in two outputs, or in a structure with
   fields 'vertices' and 'faces'.

     [x, y, z]  = meshgrid(1:100, 1:100, 1:100);
     img = hypot3(x-51.12, y-52.23, z-53.34);
     [faces, vertices] = isosurface(img, 45);
     [v2, f2] = meshVertexClustering(vertices, faces, 10);
     figure; axis equal; axis([0 100 0 100 0 100]);
     drawMesh(v2, f2);

   See also
     reducepatch, smoothMesh

Package: matgeom