MIDPOINT Middle point of two points or of an edge.

   MID = midPoint(P1, P2)
   Compute the middle point of the two points P1 and P2.

   MID = midPoint(EDGE)
   Compute the middle point of the edge given by EDGE.
   EDGE has the format: [X1 Y1 X2 Y2], and MID has the format [XMID YMID],
   with XMID = (X1+X2)/2, and YMID = (Y1+Y2)/2.

   [MIDX MIDY] = midPoint(...)
   Return the result as two separate variables or arrays.

   Works also when EDGE is a N-by-4 array, in this case the result is a
   N-by-2 array containing the midpoint of each edge.

   P1 = [10 20];
   P2 = [30 40];
   midPoint([P1 P2])
   ans =
       20  30

   See also
   edges2d, points2d

 Author: David Legland
 e-mail: david.legland@grignon.inra.fr
 Created: 2010-08-06,    using Matlab (R2009b)
 Copyright 2010 INRA - Cepia Software Platform.

Package: matgeom