MINIMUMCALIPERDIAMETER Minimum caliper diameter of a set of points.

   WIDTH = minimumCaliperDiameter(POINTS)
   Computes the minimum width of a set of points. As polygons and
   polylines are represented as point lists, this function works also for
   polygons and polylines.

   [WIDTH THETA] = minimumCaliperDiameter(POINTS)
   Also returns the direction of minimum width. The direction corresponds
   to the horizontal angle of the edge that minimizes the width. THETA is
   given in radians, between 0 and PI.

   % Compute minimal caliper diameter, and check coords of rotated points
   % have expected extent
     points = randn(30, 2);
     [width theta] = minimumCaliperDiameter(points);
     points2 = transformPoint(points, createRotation(-theta));
     diff = max(points2) - min(points2);
     abs(width - diff(2)) < 1e-10
     ans =

   Algorithms use rotating caliper. Implementation was based on that of

   See also
   polygons2d, convexHull, orientedBox

Package: matgeom