NNDIST Nearest-neighbor distances of each point in a set. DISTS = nndist(POINTS) Returns the distance to the nearest neighbor of each point in an array of points. POINTS is an array of points, NP-by-ND. DISTS is a NP-by-1 array containing the distances to the nearest neighbor. This functions first computes the Delaunay triangulation of the set of points, then search for nearest distance in the set of each vertex neighbors. This reduces the overall complexity, but difference was noticed only for large sets (>10000 points) Example % Display Stienen diagram of a set of random points in unit square pts = rand(100, 2); [dists, inds] = nndist(pts); figure; drawPoint(pts, 'k.'); hold on; drawCircle([pts dists/2], 'b'); axis equal; axis([-.1 1.1 -.1 1.1]); % also display edges drawEdge([pts pts(inds, :)], 'b'); See also points2d, distancePoints, minDistancePoints, findPoint
Package: matgeom