PARALLELPLANE Parallel to a plane through a point or at a given distance.

   PL2 = parallelPlane(PL, PT)
   Constructs the plane parallel to plane PL and containing the point PT.

   PL2 = parallelPlane(PL, D)
   Constructs the plane parallel to plane PL, and located at the given
   signed distance D.

     % Create a plane normal to the 3D vector DIR
     dir = [3 4 5];
     plane = createPlane([3 4 5], dir);
     % Create plane at a specific distance 
     plane2 = parallelPlane(plane, 5);
     % Create a line perpendicular to both planes
     line = [2 4 1 3 4 5];
     pi1 = intersectLinePlane(line, plane);
     pi2 = intersectLinePlane(line, plane2);
     % check the distance between intersection points
     distancePoints3d(pi1, pi2)
     ans = 

   See also
   geom3d, parallelLine3d

 Author: David Legland
 Created: 2012-08-22,    using Matlab (R2009b)
 Copyright 2012 INRA - Cepia Software Platform.

Package: matgeom