PLANES3D Description of functions operating on 3D planes.

   Planes are represented by a 3D point (the plane origin) and 2 direction
   vectors, which should not be colinear.
   PLANE = [X0 Y0 Z0  DX1 DY1 DZ1  DX2 DY2 DZ2];

   See also
   createPlane, normalizePlane, medianPlane, planeNormal, parallelPlane
   distancePointPlane, projPointOnPlane, planePosition, isBelowPlane
   intersectPlanes, intersectLinePlane, intersectEdgePlane
   dihedralAngle, planesBisector, polyhedronSlice, clipConvexPolyhedronHP
   fitPlane, drawPlane3d, transformPlane3d, isPlane

Package: matgeom