Compute the signed area of a polygon.

   A = polygonArea(POINTS);
   Compute area of a polygon defined by POINTS. POINTS is a N-by-2 array
   of double containing coordinates of vertices.
   Vertices of the polygon are supposed to be oriented Counter-Clockwise
   (CCW). In this case, the signed area is positive.
   If vertices are oriented Clockwise (CW), the signed area is negative.

   If polygon is self-crossing, the result is undefined.

     % compute area of a simple shape
     poly = [10 10;30 10;30 20;10 20];
     area = polygonArea(poly)
     area = 

     % compute area of CW polygon
     area2 = polygonArea(poly(end:-1:1, :))
     area2 = 

     % Computes area of a paper hen
     x = [0 10 20  0 -10 -20 -10 -10  0];
     y = [0  0 10 10  20  10  10  0 -10];
     poly = [x' y'];
     area = polygonArea(poly)
     area =

     % Area of unit square with 25% hole
     pccw = [0 0; 1 0; 1 1; 0 1];
     pcw = pccw([1 4 3 2], :) * .5 + .25;
     polygonArea ([pccw; nan(1,2); pcw])
     ans =

   algo adapted from P. Bourke web page

   See also:
   polygons2d, polygonCentroid, polygonSecondAreaMoments, triangleArea

Package: matgeom