POLYGONAREA3D Area of a 3D polygon. AREA = polygonArea3d(POLY) POLY is given as a N-by-3 array of vertex coordinates. The resulting area is positive. Works also for polygons given as a cell array of polygons. Example % area of a simple 3D square poly = [10 30 20;20 30 20;20 40 20;10 40 20]; polygonArea3d(poly) ans = 100 % Area of a 3D mesh [v f] = createCubeOctahedron; polygons = meshFacePolygons(v, f); areas = polygonArea3d(polygons); sum(areas) ans = 18.9282 See also polygons3d, triangleArea3d, polygonArea, polygonCentroid3d
Package: matgeom