POLYGONSELFINTERSECTIONS Find self-intersection points of a polygon. PTS = polygonSelfIntersections(POLY) Return the position of self intersection points [PTS, POS1, POS2] = polygonSelfIntersections(POLY) Also return the 2 positions of each intersection point (the position when meeting point for first time, then position when meeting point for the second time). [...] = polygonSelfIntersections(POLY, 'tolerance', TOL) Specifies an additional parameter to decide whether two intersection points should be considered the same, based on their euclidean distance. Example % use a '8'-shaped polygon poly = [10 0;0 0;0 10;20 10;20 20;10 20]; polygonSelfIntersections(poly) ans = 10 10 See also polygons2d, polylineSelfIntersections
Package: matgeom