POLYNOMIALCURVEPOSITION Compute position on a curve for a given length.

   POS = polynomialCurvePosition(T, XCOEF, YCOEF, L)
   XCOEF and YCOEF are row vectors of coefficients, in the form:
       [a0 a1 a2 ... an]
   T is a 1x2 row vector, containing the bounds of the parametrization
   variable: T = [T0 T1], with T taking all values between T0 and T1.
   L is the geodesic length corresponding to the searched position.
   POS is a scalar, verifying relation:
   L = polynomialCurveLength([T(1) POS], XCOEF, YCOEF);

   POS = polynomialCurvePosition(T, COEFS, L)
   COEFS is either a 2xN matrix (one row for the coefficients of each
   coordinate), or a cell array.

   POS = polynomialCurvePosition(..., TOL)
   TOL is the tolerance fo computation (absolute).

   See also

 Author: David Legland
 e-mail: david.legland@grignon.inra.fr
 Created: 2007-02-26
 Copyright 2007 INRA - BIA PV Nantes - MIAJ Jouy-en-Josas.

Package: matgeom