PROJPOINTONCYLINDER Project a 3D point onto a cylinder.

   PTPROJ = projPointOnCircle3d(PT, CYLINDER).
   Computes the projection of 3D point PT onto the CYLINDER. 
   Point PT is a 1-by-3 array, and CYLINDER is a 1-by-7 array.
   Result PTPROJ is a 1-by-3 array, containing the coordinates of the
   projection of PT onto the CYLINDER.

   PTPROJ = projPointOnCircle3d(..., OPT)
   with OPT = 'open' (0) (default) or 'closed' (1), specify if the bases 
   of the cylinder should be included.


   See also
       projPointOnLine3d, projPointOnPlane, projPointOnCircle3d

Package: matgeom