PROJPOINTONPLANE Return the orthogonal projection of a point on a plane.

   PT2 = projPointOnPlane(PT1, PLANE);
   Compute the (orthogonal) projection of point PT1 onto the plane PLANE,
   given as [X0 Y0 Z0  VX1 VY1 VZ1  VX2 VY2 VZ2] (origin point, first
   direction vector, second directionvector).
   The function is fully vectorized, in that multiple points may be
   projected onto multiple planes in a single call, returning multiple
   points. With the exception of the second dimension (where
   SIZE(PT1,2)==3, and SIZE(PLANE,2)==9), each dimension of PT1 and PLANE
   must either be equal or one, similar to the requirements of BSXFUN. In
   basic usage, point PT1 is a [N*3] array, and PLANE is a [N*9] array
   (see createPlane for details). Result PT2 is a [N*3] array, containing
   coordinates of orthogonal projections of PT1 onto planes PLANE. In
   vectorised usage, PT1 is an [N*3*M*P...] matrix, and PLANE is an
   [X*9*Y...] matrix, where (N,X), (M,Y), etc, are either equal pairs, or
   one of the two is one.

   See also:
   planes3d, points3d, planePosition, intersectLinePlane

Package: matgeom