RANDOMPOINTINPOLYGON Generate random point(s) in a polygon.

   POINT = randomPointInPolygon(POLY)
   POINTS = randomPointInPolygon(POLY, NPTS)
   Generate random point(s) within the specified polygon. If the number of
   points is not specified, only one point is generated.
   POINT = randomPointInPolygon(POLY, NPTS, QRS)
   Specifies a Quasi-random number generator QRS used to generate point.
   coordinates (requires the statistics toolbox).

     % generate an ellipse-like polygon, and fill it with points
     elli = [50 50 50 30 30];
     poly = ellipseToPolygon(elli, 200);
     pts = randomPointInPolygon(poly, 500);
     figure; hold on;
     drawPolygon(poly, 'k');
     drawPoint(pts, 'b.');
     axis equal; axis([0 100 0 100]);

     % use halton sequence to distribute points within the polygon
     qrs = haltonset(2, 'Skip', 1e3, 'Leap', 1e2);
     pts = randomPointInPolygon(poly, 500, qrs);
     figure; hold on;
     drawPolygon(poly, 'k');
     drawPoint(pts, 'b.');
     axis equal; axis([0 100 0 100]);

   See also
     polygons2d, randomPointInBox, drawPolygon

Package: matgeom