Read mesh data stored in OFF format.

   [VERTICES, FACES] = readMesh_off(FILENAME)
   Read the data stored in file FILENAME and return the vertex and face
   arrays as NV-by-3 array and NF-by-N array respectively, where NV is the
   number of vertices and NF is the number of faces.

   MESH = readMesh_off(FILENAME)
   Read the data stored in file FILENAME and return the mesh into a struct
   with fields 'vertices' and 'faces'.

     [v, f] = readMesh_off('');
     figure; drawMesh(v, f, 'faceColor', [0 1 0], 'edgeColor', 'none')
     view([5 80]); light; lighting gouraud

   See also
     meshes3d, readMesh, writeMesh_off, drawMesh

Package: matgeom