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Operators and Keywords

Function List:


RESAMPLEPOLYGON  Distribute N points equally spaced on a polygon.

   POLY2 = resamplePolygon(POLY, N)
   Resample the input polygon POLY such that the resulting polygon POLY2
   has N vertices. All points of POLY2 belong to the initial polygon, but
   are not necessarily vertices of the original polygon.

     % creates a polygon from an ellipse
     elli = [20 30 40 20 30];
     poly = ellipseToPolygon(elli, 500);
     figure; drawPolygon(poly, 'b');
     % resample the polygon with a fixed number of vertices
     poly2 = resamplePolygon(poly, 20);
     drawPolygon(poly2, 'm');
     drawPoint(poly2, 'mo');
     axis equal; axis([-20 60 0 60]);

   See also
     polygons2d, resamplePolygonByLength, smoothPolygon, resamplePolyline

Package: matgeom