SMOOTHMESH Smooth mesh by replacing each vertex by the average of its neighbors.

   V2 = smoothMesh(V, F)
   [V2, F2] = smoothMesh(V, F)
   Performs smoothing of the values given in V, by using adjacency
   information given in F. 
   V is a numeric array representing either vertex coordinate, or value
   field associated to each vertex. F is an array of faces, given either
   as a NF-by-3 or NF-by-4 numeric array, or as a cell array. 
   Artifact adjacencies are added if faces have more than 4 vertices.

   ... = smoothMesh(V, F, NITER)
   Repeat the smoothing procedure NITER times. This is equivalent to
   calling the smoothMesh function NITER times.

     [v f] = torusMesh([50 50 50 30 10 30 45]);
     v = v + randn(size(v));
     [v2 f] = smoothMesh(v, f, 3);
     figure; drawMesh(v2, f);
     l = light; lighting gouraud

   See also
     meshes3d, meshAdjacencyMatrix, triangulateFaces, drawMesh

Package: matgeom