TRANSFORMEDGE Transform an edge with an affine transform. EDGE2 = transformEdge(EDGE1, TRANS); where EDGE1 has the form [x1 y1 x2 y1], and TRANS is a transformation matrix, return the edge transformed with affine transform TRANS. Format of TRANS can be one of : [a b] , [a b c] , or [a b c] [d e] [d e f] [d e f] [0 0 1] EDGE2 = transformEdge(EDGES, TRANS); Also wotk when EDGES is a [N*4] array of double. In this case, EDGE2 has the same size as EDGE. See also: edges2d, transforms2d, transformPoint, translation, rotation --------- author : David Legland INRA - TPV URPOI - BIA IMASTE created the 06/04/2004.
Package: matgeom