Apply an affine transform to a point or a point set.

   PT2 = transformPoint(PT1, TRANSFO);
   Returns the result of the transformation TRANSFO applied to the point
   PT1. PT1 has the form [xp yp], and TRANSFO is either a 2-by-2, a
   2-by-3, or a 3-by-3 matrix, 

   Format of TRANSFO can be one of :
   [a b]   ,   [a b c] , or [a b c]
   [d e]       [d e f]      [d e f]
                            [0 0 1]

   PT2 = transformPoint(PT1, TRANSFO);
   Also works when PTA is a N-by-2 array representing point coordinates.
   In this case, the result PT2 has the same size as PT1.

   [X2, Y2] = transformPoint(X1, Y1, TRANS);
   Also works when PX1 and PY1 are two arrays the same size. The function
   transforms each pair (PX1, PY1), and returns the result in (X2, Y2),
   which has the same size as (PX1 PY1). 

   See also:
     points2d, transforms2d, translation, rotation

Package: matgeom